Deadpool – Review

Some comic book movie fans are of the opinion that this their favourite Marvel film so far. Well I’m not afraid to say, their opinion is wrong.
Here is some good old fashioned video store clerk advise…The film is not a bad one, it’s not great, it’ just doesn’t stink (you will see how bad it doesn’t stink later in the review). The action and CGI take this film beyond the average and mundane, in fact the visuals are fucking amazing ( yes, I swore, get over it, I am desensitised by the end of the film, someone needs to throw in a Captain America “language” line somewhere). The plot was a bit weak, a large portion relies upon a flashback to tell a mini origin story, while helpful to the viewer, this is a mark of lazy storytelling and is a crutch to move the plot forward. The other thing that the fans are raving about is the breaking of the fourth wall, let me tell you something video store patrons, it’s not a new thing nor will it be the last film to do it. It’s just been done better, Malcolm in the middle, for example did it a little smoother and with more finesse than the stunted , “Oh, hello” to the viewers, with a Ryan Reynolds surprised face under the mask.

The things that it lacked was a sidekick and a slightly larger cast (even though the best thing in it was Megasonic Teenage Warhead), also for a Marvel movie the story lacked depth and complexity, which we have come to expect from them. To me this seemed to be a shit X-men movie rather than a film that will tie into the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe muggles. Keep up!) I don’t think Deadpool as a character would work alongside Antman or the latest version of Spiderman or Ironman. Too many smart mouth quips could turn a movie into an annoying character showcase instead of being an awesome superhero story arch.

Like I said it’s not a terrible film and I found myself being entertained, so 8/10⭐️. Put it this way, it smells better that two hobos fucking, in a shoe filled with piss.

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